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Teaneck's Academically Gifted Services (TAG)

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What defines a student as gifted?

White table near bookshelf

Exceptionally able students are those with outstanding intellectual or academic abilities, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district. They may display unique creativity, productive thinking, and leadership traits or may exhibit exceptional talent in the visual and performing arts. Academically gifted students are those who have demonstrated and/or have proclivities to exceptional performance; accelerated comprehension and assimilation of context; exceptional capability for the abstract, creative and divergent thinking in academic or out-of-school activities and who require a differentiated educational program beyond that normally provided by the school district. 

New Jersey Student Learning Standards Gifted & Talented Requirements

Gifted and Talented students are defined as those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.

Academic Characteristics of Gifted Learners

  • Rapid Learners
  • Highly Curious
  • Advanced Readers and Writers
  • Many Interests
  • Abstract & Complex Thinkers

Social & Emotional Characteristics of Gifted Learners

  • Asynchronous Development
  • Over-Excitabilities
  • Expectations of Idealism/Justice
  • Multipotentiality

A Bright Child …

  • Knows the answers
  • Shows interest in topics
  • Has good ideas
  • Works hard
  • Top group
  • Learns with ease
  • 6-8 repetitions for mastery
  • Understands ideas
  • Absorbs information
  • Copies accurately
  • Enjoys school
  • Technician
  • Alert
  • Good memorizer

A Gifted Learner …

  • Asks the questions
  • Is highly curious
  • Has divergent, sometimes multifaceted ideas
  • May not have to work hard to test well
  • Consistently performs beyond their peer group
  • Already knows
  • 1-2 repetitions for mastery
  • Constructs abstractions
  • Manipulates information
  • Creates a new design
  • Enjoys learning
  • Inventor
  • Keenly observant
  • Strategic thinker

What is expected of gifted students?

Students who participate in services designed for gifted learners will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, abstract and complex thinking, as well as a continuous process of research and communication. These learning outcomes will be evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect an advanced degree of individuality and creativity in relation to students of similar age, experience and/or environment.

What are the gifted & talented services in the Teaneck Public Schools?

Crayons beside child coloring
A Continuum of Services

The educational services offered to identified gifted and twice exceptional students encourages and challenges identified students in the specific areas of their abilities, but does not replace the basic instructional program of the various grades of this district.  Instruction is designed to engage all students and modified based on student data. 

Instructional adaptations and modifications provided to identified gifted and twice exceptional students align to the characteristics of a Gifted Learner and may include, but not limited to: self-reflection, critical thinking, and problem solving skills in alignment with students’ instructional levels and the NJSLS; furthermore students are provided with time and space to think in novel or divergent ways; addressing interpersonal skills; expanding student interests, perseverance, and performance in an atmosphere where strengths and uniqueness are acknowledged and celebrated; and providing time for students to meet, interact, socialize and collaborate with similar-ability peers. 

The services offered to identified gifted and twice exceptional students may include, but not limited to: enrichment opportunities & seminars, classroom differentiated instruction, acceleration/flexible pacing/compacted curricula, and elective courses. 

Elementary School
  • Kindergarten through Second Grade: Instructional adaptations are listed in the district's curricula; all students are exposed to enrichment opportunities in their classrooms as they work through the various content areas and units of study in small groups of students; this is provided for one 40-minute period per every 6 -day cycle by the elementary gifted and talented teacher.
  • Third & Fourth Grade: Students may be selected, based on data and the need for academic enrichment in Math and/or Literacy beyond those already provided in the classroom.   Both the mathematics and literacy advanced learning opportunities occur for one 40-minute period per 6 day cycle with the schools gifted and talented teacher.

Middle School
  • Fifth through Eighth Grade: Instructional adaptations are listed in the district's curricula for classroom teachers to differentiate instruction for identified gifted students.  All students are exposed to various enrichment opportunities in the middle school through various clubs, athletics, activities and school wide events.

High School
  • The Technology-Enriched Academy for Mathematics and Science at Teaneck High School, is a special Honors and Advanced Placement program for motivated students interested in pursuing an integrated study of mathematics, science, computer science, and engineering. The T.E.A.M.S. program provides students in the program with an opportunity to study challenging mathematics, science, and computer science curricula with an emphasis on problem-based learning in a personal and supportive environment. Heavy emphasis is placed on the use of graphing calculators, computers, programming languages and other technologies in the course of study.
  • HONORS COURSES: These courses are designed for educationally advanced students. They demand a high degree of motivation and past achievement. These courses, when taken in the appropriate sequence, are preparatory for the Advanced Placement courses. Students electing a course described as honors will have the course designation indicated on their transcripts. See the Teaneck High School Course Guide to determine the impact of honors courses on your GPA and class rank.
  • ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSES: Advanced Placement courses are approved by the Educational Testing Service (a division of the College Board) to allow students the opportunity to complete college-level studies during secondary school. AP course offerings are for the most educationally advanced students and should be taken only with the recommendation of their current classroom teacher. Students choosing these courses should be achieving grades of at least an A- or B+ in the Honors sequence.

How are students identified?

Woman flipping book page
Identification of Gifted Students

Universal Screening of all enrolled students in the district for the identification includes but is not limited to the following measures:
  • Quantitative Data:
    • Ability - Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) - What is CogAT? FAQs (Grade 2 & Grade 4)
    • Achievement
      • Superior score on norm referenced achievement test in domain using local norms - ex. NJSLA
      • Superior score on norm referenced test for aptitude in domain using local norms - ex. Districtwide Benchmark Assessments
  • Qualitative / Descriptive indicators in the domain being served
    • Parent/Guardian, Teacher, Counselor & Administrator referrals
    • Portfolios, work samples, projects
    • Kingore Observation Inventory (KOI)
    • Problem solving activities demonstrating reasoning
    • Creativity Rating Scales
  • Other appropriate measures
Each measure is valued and indexed accordingly so the identification methodology will be developmentally appropriate, non-discriminatory, and related to the programs and services offered by the district.

In alignment with the Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act:
  • The identification procedures are reviewed annually.
  • The process ensures that each student identified as gifted or twice exceptional are assessed annually for the continuing appropriateness of their services.
  • The process includes a universal review of assessments and all relevant test results in each student's file, voluntary parent and/or teacher referrals, and a review of the student's work during the school year if deemed appropriate.
Identification Procedure for Teaneck Public Schools:
  1. Referral Window - Parents, Teachers, Counselors & Administrators (January-February)
  2. Data Collection, Analysis & Indexing of Identification Metrics (September - August)
  3. Selection Committee - Teachers & Administrators review student profiles and make recommendations to match students to services.  (April - August)
  4. Schools Administrations and teachers notified of identified students for the upcoming school year (August-September)
  5. Families notified of student identification (September)
  6. Services begin in September of the new school year.
New Students in the Teaneck School District

- To ensure adequate time for the district to fully assess newly registered students, the district will require up to one full school year in order to collect multiple measures and evidence necessary to compare students with the local Teaneck cohort for the following school year.

TAG Educators

Silhouette of child sitting behind tree during sunset
Hawthorne Elementary School (K-4)
Ms. Amber Halpern
201-833-5508 x. 6408

Lowell Elementary School (K-4)
Ms. Aretha Blake-Arroyo
201-833-5508 x. 6702

Whittier Elementary School (K-4)
Ms. Aretha Blake-Arroyo
201-833-5508 x. 6702
Ms. Amber Halpern
201-833-5508 x. 6408

Supervisor of Humanities & Gifted Education
Mr. Ashley M. Sularz

Additional Gifted and Talented Resources

NJ Student Learning Standards - Gifted & Talented
This portion of the NJDOE website provides an overview of gifted and talented services in the state of New Jersey in relation to the student learning standards.

NJ Association for Gifted Children
The NJAGC promotes programs, networks, and legislative actions to meet the needs of gifted learners statewide.

National Association for Gifted Children
NAGC is an organization of parents, educators, other professionals and community leaders to address the unique needs of children and youth.

The Association for the Gifted
Organized in 1958 by The Council for Exceptional Children, helps professionals and parents work with gifted children.

Council for Exceptional Children
The largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.

Davidson Institute
Extensive resources for highly gifted students (and their parents). You can access articles by selecting "Browse by Topic" or "Search GT-Cybersource" from the "Resources" header in the pulldown top bar menu bar.

Duke University TIP Program
The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to work with students, their families, and educators to identify, recognize, challenge, engage & help student reach their highest potential.

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
A resource guide for the education of gifted children with links to many gifted education resources available on the Internet.

National Research Center on Gifted and Talented
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, investigates, develops, and disseminates new methods for identifying and teaching gifted students.

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
Focuses primarily on the adults (parents, educators, etc.) in the lives of gifted children. SENG provides information on identification, guidance, and effective ways to live and work with gifted individuals.

Parent / Guardian Complaint Process

According to the Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act (N.J.S.A. 18A:34-39)

Teaneck Public Schools must be in compliance with New Jersey's "Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act"

If a parent or legal guardian has a concern about Teaneck's Academically Gifted Services in regards to identification, curriculum or noncompliance, the following steps should be followed:
  1. Contact teacher to share concerns
  2. Discuss concerns with the building principal
  3. Contact the Supervisor of Gifted Education and submit their specific concern via the following FORM for review.
  4. Complaint reviewed within 20 days and findings sent to parent or legal guardian.
  5. If dissatisfied with findings, parent/guardian may request a meeting with the Superintendent of Schools.
  6. If issue unresolved, file a complaint with Board of Education.
  7. If dissatisfied with Superintendent's / Board of Education's findings, contact the Bergen County School Superintendent, Bergen County Office of Education, One Bergen County Plaza, 3rd Floor, Room 350, Hackensack, NJ 07601.  A complaint submitted to the executive county superintendent may only allege noncompliance that has occurred within one year prior to the date that the complaint is submitted.
  8. Finally, if the matter is still disputed, parent or legal guardian can file a Petition of Appeal of the board's written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.18A:6-9 and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations.