We are pleased to welcome our families and volunteers back to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church of Teaneck for the 2024-2025 program year of Math Adventures & Word Play (MAWP). For those who are not familiar with this locally run program, here is who we are:
MAWP’s Mission: At MAWP we strive to create a relaxed, safe and supportive environment where young scholars can develop their mathematics, reading and writing skills for school and fun. We are a resource for learning and a place where ideas and information about education and pedagogy are exchanged. We also focus on bringing scholars to a more advanced level and not just offer remediation. Student-to-student mentoring is a key component to our mission because it helps promote the concept that learning is cool.
Our Core Team consist of volunteers that are educators, engineers, parents, administrators, high school and college students and business professionals all eager and committed to helping the next generation of young scholars see their dreams realized. Our aim is to provide the best educational enrichment experience for all participants. It takes a village!
How to sign-up: All students and volunteers must register on-line by Friday, October 4, 2024 for our in-person orientation day, which is being held this Saturday, October 5, 2024 from 10:30AM-11:30AM. The registration form can be found on-line at:
Location of our orientation & upcoming sessions will be held at:
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 118 Chadwick Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 [Carroll Hall]
Parents should also know that each child needs to be registered separately so we can get an accurate count of how many children will be registered. Volunteers should do the same by finding the separate volunteer tab at the top of the page, completely and submitting the fillable form.
Also note that the orientation session in not an actual tutoring session, those start the following week on October 12, 2024.
As always if you, the staff, or parents have any questions please don't hesitate to write me.
Kind Regards,
Kesha Rodriguez
Volunteer Administrator
MAWP - St. Mark’s Episcopal Church