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Humanities (Social Studies & History)

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Humanities (Social Studies & History)

Demonstrators marching in the street holding signs saying "Freedom" during the March on Washington, 1963
The Humanities (Social Studies & History) K-12 program aims to prepare students to participate as informed and responsible citizens in our democratic society on a local, state, national and global level. The full range of Social Studies courses strives to impart to students the social and academic skills, knowledge, and values to be citizens in the twenty-first century. Upon completion, student will have a working and practical knowledge of the history and governance of the United States as well as a global framework of the diverse perspectives, events, institutions, cultures and peoples of the world.

Principles of High Quality Social Studies Instruction

The Social Studies program invokes a multidisciplinary approach to assist a student’s acquisition of the following essential historical skills: 
  • cultivating multiple perspectives of the past
  • effective communication via reading, writing and speaking
  • integrate new learning with prior knowledge
  • question and think critically historical and contemporary claims/decisions
  • apply and synthesize core concepts for deeper understandings 
  • evaluate sources, evidence and ideas for reliability
  • make provable conclusions
  • take informed action
Supervisor of Humanities & Gifted Education
Mr. Ashley M. Sularz
Phone: 201-834-7360