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The Board of Education Regular Public Meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, will take place in-person at the Cheryl Miller-Porter Student Center at Teaneck High School and virtually via Zoom webinar, beginning at 8:00 pm.
Click this link for the Regular Public Meeting Live Stream
Public Comments may be made in person or via the Zoom Webinar


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my own device instead of the district-issued one?

No. It is preferred that students use their district-issued devices.  The learning program is successful when everyone works from an identical platform with identical software. This gives teachers the confidence to develop lessons they know will work for everyone. It also spares teachers from having to troubleshoot different devices while trying to teach a class. 

What support is available if I need help in how to use the device?

Teachers and peers are the first resources in helping a student figure out a problem involving the use of a Chromebook.  How-to documents and videos will be posted on the district website, as well (  If the problem is technical in nature, please send an email to [email protected] and a member of the technology department can assist you. 

What happens if my device breaks?

First, send an email to [email protected].  After the incident is submitted, a loaner device will be available for sign-out. The extent of the damage will then be determined, and the device will be repaired.

What if my Chromebook is lost or stolen?

In the case of a lost or missing device, send an email to [email protected]. A lost device will be disabled during an investigation until a proper course of action is determined.  If a student and/or parent/guardian suspect(s) that the device has been stolen, a copy of the police report must be submitted to the High School for documentary/insurance/warranty purposes as soon as it is available.

Will the device have enough power to last throughout the day? 

Yes. Chromebooks have long battery life, and, assuming they are fully charged in the morning, should last throughout the school day.  If a device should run out of battery power, there are certain times when students can charge it in the media center, and we have also located charging stations in a number of classrooms. If the battery regularly exhausts a full charge within the course of a day, submit a Chromebook Incident Work Order, then pick up a loaner at the media center. 

Is the district monitoring internet activity at home.

Yes.  Although during home usage, your child will be accessing your home Wi-fi service provider, all internet activity is monitored by the district, both in school and out, at all times.  Content filters have been installed in all devices which limit access to inappropriate websites. The device is meant for schoolwork only, and should always be used in accordance with Board policies.  District provided username should be used to log in to the device.

How are issues of inappropriate usage handled?

Inappropriate usage will be subject to the same disciplinary procedures as any similar misbehavior would.  Such issues are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Can the district activate the camera or microphone?

No, the district does not have any capabilities to activate the webcam or microphone on the device. However, the district is able to monitor all internet activity. 

Is Google collecting information on the student’s accounts?

No, as long as a student uses their district-provided account, Google does not collect any information. 

What if I do not have a current internet provider at home?

Please contact your school principal for more information on how to access the internet via other alternatives.