“The school board consists of lay representatives – people who live in the community and are selected by the community. They’re your neighbors: parents, grandparents, local business owners, retirees – ordinary citizens. They are non-partisan and they receive no pay or benefits for their public service. New Jersey state law requires school board members to attend training in the first, second and third years of a first term, and in the first year of a re-elected or reappointed term. The New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA) is the state-designated provider of Mandated Training, which is available at no cost to members.”
“The school board has a dual role: To represent the concerns of the citizens, taxpayers and parents to the school administrators, and to represent the needs of the students and school district to the citizens, taxpayers and parents of the community. The school board does not operate the district on a day-to-day basis; that is the job of the superintendent, who is the district’s chief executive. Rather, the school board sets the policies, goals and objectives for the district – and it holds the superintendent responsible for implementing the policies and achieving the goals.”
Source: NJ School Boards Association