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The Board of Education Regular Public Meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, will take place in-person at the Cheryl Miller-Porter Student Center at Teaneck High School and virtually via Zoom webinar, beginning at 8:00 pm.
Public Comments may be made in person or via the Zoom Webinar

Student & Staff Recognition 2020-2021

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Student & Staff Recognition 2020-2021

Congratulations to THS Sophomore, Kasai Sanchez NNJC Social Justice Organizer, Leadership Award Recipient

The Northern New Jersey Coalition is a group of social justice organizations which have joined forces to recognize and celebrate the achievements, triumphs, courage and leadership of the 2020 Black Lives Matter and Social Justice Movement of Northern Jersey.  The recipient of this award is a person who organized an event (not a march) that showcased artistic and cultural aspects uniting the community. Kasai is an organizer for the Teaneck BLM Mural, a leader with the Teaneck Black Lives Matter Mural Committee.

New COVID-19 Student Led PSA's Recognized by Board 

On December 2, 2020, the Teaneck Board of Education recognized over 30 students and staff members for their participation in creating COVID-19 Safety videos (in English & Spanish) that are age-appropriate and meant to be shown to our students as they return to school. All nine PSA (Public Service Announcement) video clips are available on our District YouTube page (become a subscriber!) and we invite parents to watch them with their children:

We are extremely proud of this collaborative effort - one that supports the goal of our new Internal & External Communication Plan to get more students involved in our go-forward communications.  This also supports our Media Arts initiative that includes the Media production club that has now been in place for 2 school years.

Congrats to ALL of the students and staff who were involved in this outstanding collaboration. Special thanks to our Digital Media Production club!

TJMS Student - Bergen County Sheriff Recognition

Congratulations to Joseph Cecchini, Grade 5, Thomas Jefferson Middle School.  He's among the winners of the 2020 Bergen County Sheriff's Office first annual BCSO Youth Writing Contest. Approximately 200 students were judged by a seven-member panel of command staff.  Our Board of Education also celebrated his accomplishment at our most recent Board meeting.