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The Board of Education Regular Public Meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, will take place in-person at the Cheryl Miller-Porter Student Center at Teaneck High School and virtually via Zoom webinar, beginning at 8:00 pm.
Public Comments may be made in person or via the Zoom Webinar

Child Find

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no child left behind

NJDOE Child Find Resources  


As a part of our Child Find activities, we are required to locate, identify and evaluate all children, including non-public and highly mobile students such as migrant and homeless students, ages three through twenty-one who reside in the Township of Teaneck and may be disabled.

The Department of Special Education provides support services to students residing in Teaneck.  Besides special education programs, the needs of students are addressed through related services, home instruction and parent groups.  Child Find activities are encouraged and additional information is available by contacting the Department of Special Education.

Education Programs

Special education programs are available to those students, ages three through twenty-one, who have been identified, evaluated and found eligible for special education and related services by the Child Study Team.

Preschool education is provided, ages three through five, for students found eligible by the Child Study Team.  The program offers instruction in a structured and caring environment. The preschool program uses Tools of the Mind which is aligned to the New Jersey Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards.  A teacher and an aide staff the program. Related services are also provided. 

Additional special education programs are available throughout the district.  These programs include self-contained classes for educationally disabled students, ages five through twenty-one.  All academic work follows the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) and/or Essential Elements (EE) individualized and tailored to meet the performance and ability levels of these students.  Inclusive opportunities into age appropriate academic and non-academic classes is ongoing and initiated in accordance with each student’s Individualized Education Program.

Resource programs are offered in every school in the district.  The resource program offers the option of replacement and/or support using pull-out or in-class instructional models.  Students involved in this program receive instruction in the subject areas indicated in their Individualized Education Plans.

Related Services

Certified speech and language specialists evaluate students to determine if they are eligible for speech services.  If a student qualifies for the program, the parent/guardian is consulted and an Individualized Education Program is developed for the child.  Occupational and physical therapy needs are evaluated by qualified personnel who deliver the required services in the classroom or in a separate setting.  The district also employs behaviorists who provide support for students and consultation to staff members, and a Teacher of the Deaf who supports the needs of students with hearing impairments and deafness.