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App Testing

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Click on either of the pages to the right (PageWidget or AppRedirect) to see the examples for the app set up. 

PageWidget - added widget using a Script Window on the page. The size of the widget can be adjusted in the code. 

AppRedirect - This is set up to redirect users to  this URL is for your App. If a user is on their PC, it will take the user to the Web-Based version of the app. If the user is on a Phone/Tablet (App-based device) it will take the user to the App version of the App or the App Store. 

Below: These are examples of other options we had discussed over the phone. One is to add a button to a page that links to the App and the other is to add an image to a page that links to the app. 

Clickable Image

Apple on books with ABC blocksCheck out our App!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dapibus dolor eget odio porttitor efficitur. Pellentesque porta pharetra felis sit amet mattis. In ac lorem condimentum, tristique ante sollicitudin, malesuada mi. Sed in mi a felis pretium volutpat. Aenean nec nisl sit amet lectus varius interdum in sit amet dolor. Donec mollis arcu suscipit suscipit vehicula. Donec sollicitudin consequat lacus, vel volutpat justo ultrices et. Integer lacinia urna et ipsum tempus, sit amet condimentum dui porttitor. Donec vel elementum lectus. Vestibulum interdum vulputate ipsum, consectetur faucibus velit vehicula at. Vestibulum et ultricies dolor, a tempus est. Sed laoreet condimentum tempus. Phasellus malesuada eget arcu volutpat accumsan.


Cras mattis consectetur magna vitae viverra. Sed pellentesque erat in nibh tincidunt venenatis. Phasellus porttitor nisl nec nunc interdum ultrices. Cras aliquet a odio a interdum. Morbi sodales elit et est porta, ut pulvinar nisi iaculis. Proin non fermentum purus. Sed nibh magna, venenatis in dolor quis, accumsan tincidunt velit. Praesent auctor mauris urna, ut bibendum mauris posuere ac. Donec libero lectus, ullamcorper vel arcu non, tempor sagittis dui.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla orci eros, ullamcorper vitae lobortis a, tristique vel nisi. Vivamus laoreet lorem eu eleifend tincidunt. Aliquam ornare mi neque, ac dapibus dui tristique non. Morbi at condimentum libero, sed laoreet magna. Fusce pellentesque id lectus vehicula scelerisque. Nam vel malesuada risus, sit amet egestas dolor. Nulla facilisi. Etiam finibus facilisis ligula interdum malesuada. In finibus lacus tempus dui condimentum molestie. Nulla feugiat sem eget arcu consectetur, vitae fringilla justo vulputate.