Teaneck Public Schools News Article

International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP)

Whittier Elementary School is embarking on an exciting journey to become an International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) school. Although the IB schools are plentiful in our neighboring state, New York, we will be only the second of its kind in New Jersey. What this means for us is that, after the two-year authorization process, we will have the honor of being official members of the IB World community.   The premise of this endeavor is not that we are adopting a program but rather a philosophy.

I'm sure you are wondering what exactly does this mean for my child. "The PYP offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework that builds conceptual understanding. It is a student-centered approach to education. The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in school and in the world beyond. PYP learners know how to take ownership of their learning, collaborating with teachers to deepen understanding and increase their confidence and self-motivation. Schools who implement the PYP will develop students’ academic, social, and emotional well-being, focusing on international-mindedness and a sense of belonging to local and global communities." (https://www.ibo.org/programmes/primary-years-programme/why-offer-the-pyp/)

We are currently in the application process. Once the application is complete, we will enter into the authorization process. This process typically takes two years. The elements of PYP will slowly be rolled out to students throughout these next two years while we work towards full authorization. Some of those elements include the learner profile (attached) and IB themes and skills (that connect to Social Emotional Learning). We will host an IB Parent Night in the Fall, where you will have the opportunity to have a more in-depth conversation with an IB Representative. In addition, there will be ongoing communication throughout the year regarding our progress. Another exciting element is that we will be forging relationships with two other IB schools, one locally and one internationally.  For further details, feel free to peruse the IB website (https://www.ibo.org/programmes/primary-years-programme/) and/or review the following documents: 

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