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The Board of Education Regular Public Meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, will take place in-person at the Cheryl Miller-Porter Student Center at Teaneck High School and virtually via Zoom webinar, beginning at 8:00 pm.
Public Comments may be made in person or via the Zoom Webinar

Breakfast / Lunch Menus

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Monthly Menus

Teaneck participates in the National Lunch Program through which children may purchase low-cost lunches/breakfast and milk, and may be eligible for free or reduced price meals. A la carte offerings or a balanced complete meal are available at lunch and breakfast. Students eligible for free or reduced price lunch qualify for free or reduced price breakfast. Applications for free/reduced priced meals are sent home with children the first day of school, and must be returned by September 15, 2015. If you do not receive an application, please call the school your child attends or you can now go into the Teaneck website and download the lunch application. If you download the application you still need to fill it out and send the application back to the school your child attends.

Children who were receiving free/reduced lunch/breakfast as of June 2017 will continue to receive free/reduced price lunch/breakfast through the month of September only. A new application must be filled out in order for them to continue receiving their free/reduced lunch/breakfast after October 4. If a new application is not filled out by October 4, the free/reduced benefits will be terminated.

The lunch price for K-4 children will be $2.70. Middle school students will pay $2.85 for lunch. High school students will pay $3.20 for lunch. The reduced-price lunch is 40 cents. A complete breakfast for K-4 students is $1.40, and $1.65 for those in grades 5-12. The reduced price is 30 cents. Deli sandwiches are available at the high school. All the schools have salads, raisins and nuts, fresh fruits and other nutritionally appropriate foods.

The high school and middle schools use a personalized identification system through which students scan their ID badges or use a PIN code to purchase lunch/breakfast items. This enables them to buy items whether using their pre-paid account or paying in cash.

For more information, please contact Melanie Koteen-Coleman, Secretary to the Board Administrator, (201) 833-5511 and/or Kristin Appel, Food Service Director, (201) 833-5417.

Breakfast Menus