The Library Media Center (LMC) contains a wide range of print and non-print materials chosen to enrich the curriculum and answer the needs of the varied interests of students and staff. The LMC is to be used as a quiet area for research, reading and other appropriate activities. In order to ensure that everyone enjoys the opportunity to work and study in quiet surroundings, students must follow all school guidelines established for appropriate behavior.
Library Rules
All students are expected to follow the rules of the building as well as the following:
- Polite use of cell phones, iPods, and headphones is permitted in the LMC before school, during, lunch, and study hall.
- No food, drink, candy, or visible gum (put all food and drinks on table at library entrance or in your book bag).
- Students must sign in at the circulation desk.
- Students must have a signed pass from their teacher to enter/use the library during a class period.
- Respect the rights of others to work effectively.
- Handle all library materials with care.
LMC Use:
Monday: 7:30 am-3:00 pm
Tuesday-Friday: 7:30 am-3:00 pm
All students must present a written pass from their teacher to use the LMC during a class or study hall. Upon entering the LMC students must sign in using Student Mation. Students must sign out while exiting. The number of students may be limited each period depending on class use and computer availability. Media Specialist is available to answer questions, locate materials, and assist students in using the resources.
Borrowing LMC Materials
- Students must present their school ID cards to borrow materials and are responsible for all materials charged to their card.
- Books in the general collection circulate for 21 days.
- Reference books circulate for one week.
Fines for Overdue Items
The THS LMC is proudly fine-free.
Lost or Damaged Materials
If a book is lost or damaged, the student is charged the replacement cost.
Library Computer Guidelines
The media center houses 24 desktop computers for students to use.
Students are encouraged to copy/paste Internet resources to a Word document and then print. Students are asked to check with library staff before printing.
Acceptable Uses:- Only one student on each computer unless otherwise directed by a teacher/librarian.
- Students may use computers for classroom assignments only.
- Students may use computers to type papers, projects, or classroom notes.
- Students may use computers to access the library catalog (Destiny).
Unacceptable Uses:- E-mail, chat rooms, forums, music videos, blogs, ezines (xines), instant messenger.
- Games, game cheats, buying or selling, gambling, accessing pornography or other inappropriate sites.
- Downloading new programs into the computer, changing computer settings, or otherwise adapting the computer.
Consequences:- Removal from the computer for the day and phone contact with parents. If the parents cannot be contacted by phone, a letter will be sent home.
- Removal from the computer for two weeks, a letter sent home, and a phone call to parents.
- Referral to the principal/assistant principal. Loss of computer privileges through the building for 9 weeks except for teacher supervised assignments and a parent conference.
Library Printing Guidelines:
- Check with the media staff before printing.
- The number of printed pages is limited to five (5) pages and will be counted.
- It is the student's responsibility to be aware of how many pages they have to print before hitting the print button.
- Remember to highlight selection to be printed and copy/paste to a Word Document.